“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
~ Margaret Mead
The Founder ~ Santon de La Vie
“As we heal ourselves, we heal the world.”
Welcome to the Global Healing Forum! It is a great joy to be sharing this work with you.
Who are we?
The Global Healing Forum is an educational, empowerment and peace building organization, working with individuals and groups around the world to pioneer the New Paradigm together in conscious community.
Our Mission
To help facilitate humanity and the planet to raise its consciousness, such that it can make the necessary evolutionary shifts required to create a peaceful and sustainable future for all Life on the planet in the New Paradigm.
Our Philosophy
- As we heal ourselves, we heal the world.
- We are here to learn how to pioneer the New Paradigm together in conscious community.
- We practice living a spiritual life in congruence and alignment with our Higher Self and Spirit, which is our authentic Self.
- We work together as a conscious community to build the Unified Field of Love, in order to transform the quality of life on this planet.
Please join us to co-create this vision of global healing and global peace for everyone, and participate in a purpose far greater than ourselves.